So why exactly do we need foster parents? The fostering network reports that:
Essentially, the main reason we need more carers is that we have more children in the care system. We at Mosaic want to be a difference to as many children as we can. Recovering from Trauma is a process and we are here for the long haul.
This is why we need more foster parents.
We are a unique therapeutic agency that looks to provide you with as much support as we possibly can. We do this by offering an extensive tailored support package to you, your extended family and (it goes without saying) the child in your care.
Part of the way we do this is through our training program and our therapeutic model which we call the SMILE model.
SMILE is our integrated therapeutic approach which supports our foster parents to deliver therapeutic parenting. Many of our children have had a difficult start in life and therefore our aim is to make them happier, more relaxed and healthier, with the aim to help them to develop their education, hobbies, interests and social and emotional skills. Unlike some other providers, we only offer long-term placements which enable our foster parents and our therapy team to really make a difference in the young persons' life.
Take a look at this interesting article from the college of police UK where the effects of therapeutic parenting on young people have been analysed. They deduce that therapeutic foster care reduced crime rates. Our goal is to help the young people we see recover as much as possible from the past traumas they have faced. In doing so we aim to break the cycle which they may have experienced.
Want to learn more about how you could help improve the life of a young person? Make an Enquiry today!