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Measuring outcomes of the care we provide

We have devised a series of ways in which we can measure the positive outcome of a fostering placement at both individual, placement and organisational level. Measuring success enables us to reflect on the processes that led to those positive outcomes and ensure we continue to provide that level of care to all future foster families.

Individual outcomes

On an individual level, children's symptom presentation is measured psychometrically across six domains at six monthly intervals which enables us to ensure that symptoms of trauma are reducing and that strengths are built on. The strengths and difficulties questionnaire provides another level of information about individual children's progress.

Placement outcomes

The adoption of the Secure Base Model enables the measurement of a foster parents response to children's needs across the five dimensions of care giving.

Organisational outcomes

The Registered Manager completes quarterly updates of the childrens' progress and agency developments, in line with regulatory requirements. These are presented to the Board of Directors and shared with Ofsted.


Outcome Measures

Overview: Mosaic gathers and assesses information related to its core task on two levels:

1. Macro

Key Performance Indicators involve the gathering of detailed information regarding the cohort of young people referred to and cared for by Mosaic Foster Care. This includes global information such as age range, gender, and ethnicity.

It also includes the gathering of information relevant to therapeutic provision including emotional and behavioural profile, abuse history, presenting difficulties and information regarding unique incidents that may be relevant to the improvement of our therapeutic care provision.

Educational progress - data is gathered for children placed is logged and checked against expected key stage benchmarking.

Well Being Measure is the gathering of information regarding the emotional and psychological progression of the cohort of young people residing in Mosaic Foster Care through the completion of The Well Being Measure (Finch, Hargrave, Nicholls & Van Vliet, 2014).

This measure is re-scored annually to provide information regarding the young personĂ­s view of their well being under key headings and the progress being achieved to improve outcomes.

2. Micro

This is the gathering of information related to the emotional and psychological progression of individual young people through the rescoring of the Trauma Symptom Checklist (Briere, 1989) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997) on a six-monthly basis in line with the LAC review process.

Information gathered informs the areas of primary need which are targeted within the Mosaic Integrative Treatment Plan (ITP) which is reviewed every six months as part of the Mosaic re-assessment structure.

Analysis and action

All information is collated annually and presented to the Board.

Trends within the gathered information are analysed, including areas of progress and aspects of therapeutic care that require improvement, and an action plan is developed and implemented.

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South East Office
Suite 8,
Chalkwell Lawns
648-656 London Road
Midlands Office
Victory House,
Business Park,
400 Pavilion Drive,
NN4 7
Outstanding by Ofsted
Mosaic Foster Care is a Private Ltd Company (reg no 07133494) providing fostering placements for children and young people to age 18.
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